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Get step-by-step videos on how to set up a budget that works for you...without the stress and overwhelm on how to get started! 

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"This is really nicely done. Ashley really outdid herself."


12 Month undated printable Budget Planner (value $29)

12 Month Debt Progress Tracker (value $24) 

12 Month Meal Planning 

12 Month Goal Tracking Sheets 

Yearly Tracking Sheets

Total value: $53

  • Total payment
  • 1x2025 Budget Planner$29

All prices in USD

"It's so pretty and easy to use! I'm going to start using it now and not wait until January!"


Ashley says "I just purchased the Budgets Made Easy Workbook!! I'm so excited that I can just use this year after year! ....It is beautiful. I fell in love with the tutorial!"



2024 Patrick Consulting, LLC - Privacy Policy - Terms and Conditions | Budgets Made Easy All stories, examples, testimonials, and real life debt pay off stories are examples of success meant to inspire and encourage you and are not a guarantee of your success.